
Jeffery Yuchen Xue is a game designer and programmer, who works on various individual and collaborative game projects and explores different game mechanics to create playful experiences.

This portfolio is designed and developed by Yuchen at September - October 2023.

Indie Games


Experimental Adventure & Strategic Game

January 2023 - May 2023

Thesis Project at Parsons School of Design

Position: System Designer, Programmer, UI Designer, Tech Artist

Rolling Racers

Racing & Action Game

July 2022

Overall #8 at GMTK2022 Game Jam

Position: System Designer, Programmer

Melon Smasher

One-button Action Game

Oct 2021 - June 2022

Individual Project

Team Quest

Metroidvania Platformer

Sep 2021 - Jan 2022

Individual Project


Global Chess

Dec 2022, 2-week Individual Project, Unity

Play on itch.io

Global Chess is a chess game on a globe. It follows the rules of chess with some modifications to adapt the globe. This project is inspired by Global Chess Game from Catalog of Fantastic Things by Carelman.


Sep 2021, 2-week Individual Project, Unity

Play on itch.io

River is a one-button simulator game. There is a river and villagers living beside the river. Pressing the SPACE rises the water level of the river. The river evaporates by time, and evaporation speed is based on numbers of the suns on the sky. The goal of this game is to maintain a safe level of water so villagers can live and population can grow.


Feb 2021, 3-week Individual Project, Unity

Play on itch.io

Under Sand is a walking simulator about a mysterious desert. This game is divided into two scenes: above and below ground. Explore the ancient ruins in the desert and uncovers the secret behind.

Poor Guy

Oct 2021, 2-week Individual Project, Unity

Play on itch.io

Poor Guy is a game designed to simulate the life of the poor in the city and their vulnerable situation in a capitalism society. Player is playing as the poor person in the game and using arrow keys to wake up, do work, and make decisions. In the game, the goal of the player is to earn money by work and survive as long as they can.

The increasing speed of time flow and the stock of saving and debt is the most interesting parts in this game. The player cannot stop or pause after start playing this game, and once they get tired, they are likely to make more mistake and get trapped into this unstoppable reinforcing loop. Since the time passing speed is related to the status of player, the game is getting harder and harder when the player start to make mistake.

Other Works

TouchDesigner Virtual Camera Piece

March 2023, 1-week Individual Project, Touch Designer

A virtual camera project built in TouchDesigner. The project captures users' face from the input video and generates 3 different audio-reactive virtual effect based on it.